Merger Brings Together Two Big Translated-literature Awards


England’s two biggest translated-fiction prizes are collapsing into one:

mbi2016In a move that that organizers call the “evolution” of the Man Booker International — which previously was awarded on odd years for an author’s body of work, like the Nobel — it will combine with the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (IFFP) and become one single translated-fiction prize. From the press release:

The 2015 prize having been given it is now the Man Booker International Prize’s turn to evolve. From 2016 the prize will come into line with its English-language parent and close the circle. Just as the Man Booker is now awarded to a single book written in English anywhere in the world and published in Great Britain so the new Man Booker International Prize will follow the same format for a book written in a foreign language and translated into English.

Basically, it seems, it becomes the IFFP with a…

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